All functions |
FacileData: A fluent API for accessing multi-assay high-throughput genomics data |
Instantiates a FacileDataSet object from disk. |
Bioc-container specific assay data extraction functions |
Adds new set of assay data for all samples in a FacileDataSet |
Appends new features to |
Adds rows to a table in a FacileDataSet |
Converts a "facile result" to a traditional Bioconductor assay container. |
Convert a |
Converts a (list of) bioconductor assay containers into a FacileDataSet. |
Converts a normal tibble/data.frame to a facile_frame |
Materializes a table with all feature information for a given assay. |
Returns the feature_type for a given assay |
Fetches assay meta information for the assays stored in a FacileDataStore |
Identify the number of each assay run across specific samples. |
Utility functions to get row and column indices of rnaseq hdf5 files. |
Units of measure in an assay |
Assembles an example facile dataset to play with |
Check to see that samples are referenced correctly |
Materialize a Bioconductor assay container from some facile object. |
cSurv is a character representation of survival::surv ### |
Casts the character EAV values to their R-native defined types. |
Check to see if a vector is categorical (character or string) |
Check if argument is a FacileDataSet |
Check if argument is a FacileDataStore |
Arranges the columns of one data.frame to another |
Get description of sample metadata columns |
Retrieve the meta information about a covariate for EAV decoding |
Creates a feature descriptor for interactive ease |
Get location of the FacileDataSet database |
Utility function to "factorize" biotypes into an order we care about. |
Bioc-container specific data set annotation extraction functions |
Create a facile covariate definition file from a sample |
Entity-attribute-value encodings for survival data. |
Encodes column(s) from |
Encodes column(s) from |
Merge inferred and explicit covariate column metadata. |
Generate entity-attribute-value definition for a column in a data.frame |
Retrieves an example FacileDataSet |
Execute multiple queries against a database |
Extract gene- and transcript-level information from an ENSEMBL gtf. |
Retrieves grouping table for samples within a FacileDataSet. |
Converts an arbitrary object into one that works in the facile ecosystem. |
BioC-container specific fData extraction functions |
Get or set the FacileDataStore for an object |
Returns table of names and aliases for features. |
Enumerate the types of feature stored in a FacileDataSet |
Returns a table of information about the features (from an assay, or ...) |
Fetch assay data from single assay of choice |
Helper function to get sample assay data from single or aggregate features |
NOTE: is fetch_assay_score really necessary? |
Fetches custom (user) annotations for a given user prefix |
Fetch the sample statistics for sets of samples in the warehouse |
NOTE: fetch_sample_statistics -> |
Issue #2 |
Fetches a sample descriptor that matches the filter criterion |
Filter against the sample_covariate_tbl as if it were wide. |
Filter against the sample_covariate_tbl EAV table as if it were wide. |
Generates a logging message using glue and crayon, with some bells/whistles. |
Retrieves the currently set logging level |
Replaces NA's with specified values. |
Mimics the old |
Test if a given feature type is stored in a FacileDataSet |
Get location of the FacileDataSet HDF5 file |
Guesses the type of feature identifiers from a character vector. |
Create an empty FacileDataSet |
Class and validity checker for FacileDataSet |
Filters the samples down in a dataset to ones specified |
Labeled acts like interface to reactive modules. |
Path to the meta information YAML file |
Ensures that a vector has names for all elements if it has names for any |
Helper functions to normalize assay data into log2 space. |
Retrieves the organism the data is defined over |
Creates a filter expression to select samples based on value of a covariate |
Bioc-container specific pData extraction functions |
Bioc-container specific pData extraction functions |
Query a table to identify its primary key(s) |
Regress out confounding variables from a data matrix. |
Appends covariate columns to a query result |
Mimics old sample_stats table |
Retrieves the sample identifiers for all samples in a FacileDataSet. |
Returns a facile_frame of samples from an object in the faciebio ecosystem. |
Saves custom sample covariates to a FacileDataSet |
Set the class of an object and return the object |
Entity-attribute-value decoding for real values. |
Takes a result from fetch_expression and spreads out genes across columns |
Spreads the covariates returned from database into wide data.frame |
Utility function to send more than one sql command to the database |
Provides a summary table of sample covariates. |
Fetches exemplar data for unit testing |
Validates that a covariate defintion list reasonably describes a data.frame. |
Append feature information columns to (feature-rows) |